Shayona Enterprise is an agency of Detoplus Company.
that Provides various products for daily routine.
Shayona Enterprise Location
Shayona Enterprise Location is as Below
 23, Krishna Township,
Sudama Chowk,
Mota Varachha,
Shayona Enterprise Address – Detoplus Agency
You can get our direction via map as below
Shayona Enterprise Products / Detoplus Products
Washing Machine Liquid laundry Detergent
Full Money back Guaranty
- Special liquid laundry detergent
- It will not affect colour of cloths – 100% guaranty
- Retains cloths softness
- Does not create salt stains in washing machine
- Cloths remains soft and shiny
- Removes all types of old stains
- Can be used for branded cloths
- Compare to other brand, Detoplus is premium quality liquid with 100 % guaranty.
- Removes old salt stains from washing machine drum.
Free home delivery service is available.
Whatsapp Now – 95749 20099
Dish/Utensil wash lemon gel
dish wash – shayona enterprise
- To clean/wash all utensils.
- Removes stains and grease.
- Don’t affect females with skin allergy in hand or leg.
- Make utensils shiny, removes salt stains from water top.
- Detoplus is way better than other brands, comes with 100% guaranty.
Free home delivery service is available.
Whatsapp Now – 95749 20099
Laundry Detergent
Detoplus Washing Powder – Extra white shining
- Useful in washing machine.
- Premium quality – No sand or white sand (chirodi)
- Best result with less effort
- Safe to use for people with skin allergy.
- Does not create salt stains in washing machine.
- Retains shining of cloths.
- Useful to wash branded cloths.
- Need very less washing machine maintenance once you start using Detoplus washing powder.
- Other brand has sand, white sand (chirodi), but not in Detoplus washing powder – 100% guaranty.
- Once you put Detoplus washing powder it becomes liquid.
Hand Wash
Hand Wash – Shayona Enterprise – Detoplus
- Aloe-Vera natural hand wash
- Strawberry natural hand wash
- Hands becomes soft after using it
- PH balanced
- 100 % guaranteed anti-bacterial.
Detergent Soap
- Best quality detergent soap, no sand or white sand (chirodi).
- It lasts long than regular soap and removes all stains fast.
- As it is oil based doesn’t affect people with skin allergy, keep cloths shiny and soft.
- Cloths dry faster after washing.
Toilet Cleaner
Toilet Cleaner – Shayona Enterprise – Detoplus
- Removes salt stains, old stains and iron rust from toilet and bathroom.
- Makes toilet bathroom shiny.
Floor Cleaner
- This floor cleaner is camphor (Kapoor) based so you don’t need extra camphor in your house.
- Kills bacteria and viruses.
- Your floor shines after using this floor cleaner.
- Natural shampoo made with Aloe-Vera and onion oils.
- Stops hair fall.
- Removes dandruff.
- Stops itching on head.
- It makes hair shiny and strong.
- 100 % natural products guaranty.
- Increases hair growth.